Comments on: Morning Brief: Kauai is 55% renewable, Dominion’s Virginia battery pilot approved Solar Energy Markets and Technology Thu, 27 Feb 2020 21:44:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terrence Langlois Thu, 27 Feb 2020 21:44:54 +0000 I am pleased to read that Kauai will be carbon free in the generation of electricity. Next: the vehicles!

By: Solarman Wed, 26 Feb 2020 18:11:00 +0000 Interesting, “When the 20 MW hybrid solar-plus-storage and pumped storage hydro West Kauaʿi Energy Project is completed, KIUC will be around 80% renewable generation. Source: Kauaʿi Island Utility Cooperative | In November, KUIC generated enough renewable energy to run the island entirely over the course of 32 hours.”

Now take this concept and apply this ‘model’ to thousands of small towns and cities across all States of the United States. Creating new large scale distribution infrastructure with the ability for whole communities to ‘island’ from the grid could increase grid efficiency by at least 10% to possibly 15% Nationwide. Imagine NOT having to have as much generation available or burning fuel to be used as dispatchable generation for only a few hours a day.

“The projects are expected to cost $33 million to construct and are expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2021. Source: Dominion Energy.”

Just about $0.94/watt for energy storage. If one expands that adoption to say 1GW installed along the grid, could one expect economies of scale drop to around $0.50/watt? Now its starting to get interesting.
